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What Is ecoATM In the UK And How To Use It?

What is ecoATM in UK and How to use it

ecoATM is a simple and environmentally friendly alternative for users to trade in their cellphones for fast cash, knowing that the gadgets will be recycled or repurposed. The firm began operations in the United States in 2009 and now has over 4,000 kiosks spread throughout 48 states and the United Kingdom. By finding new homes for these gadgets, the idea is to not only enable a quick and secure selling procedure but also to keep hazardous and poisonous chemicals out of the environment.

With a projected 125 million abandoned phones in the UK, ecoATM offers a cost-effective solution to the problem of unwanted cellphones and rising amounts of electronic waste. Over the last decade, ecoATM has diverted over 28 million gadgets from landfills throughout the world. To put that in perspective, this had the same environmental impact as eliminating 2,500 automobiles from the road or planting nearly four million trees for healthy living. The use of ecoATM also reduces the rate of Fly-Tipping on the land.

Go Green with ecoATM

Go Green with ecoATM

EcoATM is all about having a good time. Recycling your phone responsibly with ecoATM not only earns you money but also contributes to a better environment for future generations. When you sell a phone to ecoATM, it is sent to a facility that uses certified techniques. Over 28 million phones have been diverted from landfills thanks to ecoATM in only the previous decade.

How does It work?

See how much your phone is worth: Before selling at an ecoATM kiosk, you can acquire a price estimate on the internet or lock in your price offer on the app.

Prepare your phone for sale: Remove all personal information and accounts. Unless you’re using the app, we also recommend factory resetting your phone.

Find a kiosk and get paid: Over 4,500 ecoATM kiosks may be found in grocery stores, shopping malls, and other locations across the country.

Simple and Safe

Simple and Safe

It will just take a few minutes of your time to complete the procedure. We take many safety procedures when you bring your used phone to our machine to ensure a seamless and secure transaction. A picture scan of your ID is required. The use of an ecoATM machine leads to a healthier environment with less technological waste. Everyone wins when you’re helping to save the world while still making money from your obsolete technology.



They are on a mission to guide us all to a greener future in collaboration with our parent firm ecoATM LLC in the United States. Thus any old smartphone will be given a new lease on life by ecoATM.

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Reasons To Buy Woolen Bedding

woolen Bed for reason

Did you ever hear of wool bedding before? That’s something quite advantageous, and a lot of people actually stick to it after knowing them. If you have been one of those who tend to suffer from night sweats, allergy or asthma, sleeping on woolen bedding can actually uplift your mood and make your sleep even more comfortable. Besides, for kids who do not yet know the management of temperature properly, it is even more effective!

Wool bedding is such a good sleep enhancer that other materials usually fail to reach its level. However, to some people, this actually makes a difference! Using the Halcyon Dreams discount code, you would probably be able to explore a lot of varieties at the most competitive price rates.


Looking around, you may see a lot of people saying that people suffering from allergies must not sleep on a wool bedding, but that’s actually a myth! The woolen material is absolutely ideal in absorbing and releasing moisture in such an effective manner that there is no chance of having a damp environment that the dust mites or fungal spores usually need to grow! Thus, going for a wool bedding is sure to improve your sleep, and you would thank me for this piece later on!

Night sweats

Wool bedding improves the sleep pattern for people suffering from night sweats. Wool is so apt in absorbing the moisture that once you taste the comfort, you would no way want to stick to your old polyester or feather one!

Regulates body temperature: A perfect thermoregulator

Wool regulates your body temperature so well that you would never have to compromise your sleep once you stick to this! It is potent of making you feel hot when you’ve been cold and again cold when you’ve been hot, thus, making it a popular choice for both the cold and hot sleepers!

woolen for toodler

The best bedding for the toddlers

At such a young age, since a baby’s skin pores are ignorant of managing the heat, there are cases when there is an overheating, and in order to avoid that, a wool bedding is going to be the ideal solution.

A woolen bedding has antimicrobial properties, and it is capable of improving your immune response. Also, if you find trouble while sleeping due to temperature variations, an organic wool mattress is going to be your best friend!


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6 Benefits Of Advanced Hygiene With Airflow

Dental hygienists have a tall task not just cleaning your teeth, but also suggesting the best treatment options for any conditions you may have. Almost all of us suffer from stained teeth. And much as we may not see the stains on the front side of the tooth, you’d be shocked if you saw the inner, back part of your teeth. If you’re a smoker, coffee addict, red wine lover, or consumer of some foods that leave particles lodged; you probably have stained teeth. Even people with braces need regular checkups. One of the most effective remedies for stained teeth is known as Airflow. It’s an advanced method of stain and plaque removal. A mixture of compressed air, water, and small salt particles are sprayed on the teeth surface to remove stains and plaque. Usually, the sale used is known as Natrium bicarbonate and is super effective in whitening any stained teeth surfaces.

Visit Dentists Muswell Hill for more details.

There are 6 major benefits of advanced hygiene with Airflow;

  1. It’s super effective.
  2. It’s painless.
  3. It’s very fast, that is results are evident almost immediately.
  4. It’s not intrusive; doesn’t require any anesthesia.
  5. It’s tried and tested, it’s safe.
  6. It’s affordable.

The habit of scratching your tooth with whatever material just to remove plaque is never recommendable. Doing so hastens the wearing out of the enamel, which leads to tooth sensitivity. But with Airflow, also known as Air polishing, you get to remove plaque without much hassle. Even hard to access parts, where the bristles of your toothbrush can’t reach; air flow is able to reach those and leave them sparkling clean.


Airflow is an advanced dental hygiene technique; find out from your hygienist whether they are offering this service. Like aforementioned, it is extremely effective and doesn’t take long. Anyone, including students, can try it out!

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What is Veganism?

Veganism is the act of ensuring that all animals are out of harm’s way by not using (consuming or wearing) any animal products. Vegans do not eat any animal products such as fish, meat, poultry, or dairy. They also do not use any by-products of animals such as honey, silk, leather, cosmetics, fur, wool, eggs, suede, etc.

  • Reasons for being a Vegan

Some of the most common reasons for choosing veganism include environmental issues, health related issues and other ethical issues. Most vegans believe that by not using any animal products, they are taking part in promoting a more caring and humane world. They also believe that they have a certain responsibility to make the world a better place and the only way they can do this is by avoiding animal products.

  • What Do Vegans eat

Vegans only indulge in plant-based products such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, seeds, nuts, legumes, and beans. They actually have a wide variety of foods to choose from that might be considered as restrictive diet by omnivorous people. Most vegan foods are simple and what most people consider humble.

  • What Do Vegans Put on

In point of fact, veganism includes not using anything that is made out of an animal. This includes fabrics such as wool, silk, leather, fur, and so on. Instead, vegans use cotton, acrylic, canvas and any other non-animal fabrics. Manufacturers are coming up with diverse vegan products such as vegan footwear and clothing that makes it easy for vegetarians to look and feel good as well.

  • Lifestyle

Vegans avoid anything that is produced using any animal products. They avoid using any household products as well as cosmetics that contain any by-product of an animal. In fact, they cannot use any products that have been tested on animals even if they don’t contain any animal ingredients.


Veganism is a way of life that requires one to avoid any animal products in his or her entire life.

By: Andrew Charalambous

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5 Ways To Treat Gum Disease and live a healthy life

5 Ways To Treat Gum Disease 

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a condition in which the gums, deeper supporting tissues, and even the bone surrounding teeth become infected. The first stage is a build-up of plaque on the teeth. If plaque is not properly removed by brushing and flossing, it accumulates and hardens underneath the gum line into tartar – a hard white material that can be visible if stained yellow by tea, coffee or smoking. Once tartar builds up, it is much more difficult to remove than plaque and usually requires cleaning by a dentist. Over time, it can lead to inflamed gums, or gingivitis, and they will bleed with brushing or flossing.

  1. Brush your teeth twice a day: If you are unable to keep a regular brushing schedule, set a reminder in your phone or computer so you don’t forget. When you brush your teeth, keep in mind that it shouldn’t be a rush job. You should brush thoroughly for at least two minutes.
  2. Floss once daily: Don’t wait until you feel debris between your teeth and floss at least once a day.
  3. Swish with mouthwash: Since you are already brushing twice a day, add mouthwash to your routine. Mouthwash will remove any remaining debris that brushing and flossing cannot. When you use mouthwash remember to swish it around in your mouth for at least thirty seconds to really get it going. Do not swallow mouthwash, it could give you a stomach-ache and you’ll be swallowing all the plaque you’re trying to get rid of.
  4. Check your gums regularly: Shine a flashlight into your mouth and see if your gums are red in the area around your teeth. Do they bleed when you floss? Do you have chronic bad breath or notice a metallic taste in your mouth? Are your gums puffy or sore? These are all early signs of gum disease and need to be taken care of ASAP.
  5. Go to the dentist every six months: Regular cleaning and checkups can help prevent gum disease.


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Role Of A Invisible Lingual Orthodontic Braces by Orthodontist

An orthodontist is a dental expert who works in the field of orthodontics. This is a branch of dental science that deals with dentofacial conditions that include remedying dental formulas, even conducing minor jaw surgery. As such, an orthodontist plays a great role in restoring the smiles of many people, and boosting their self esteem.

How do orthodontists rectify the dental formula and arrangement?

OrthodontistAlthough there are various options that are at the disposal of the orthodontist, braces remain the popular alternative. Braces are highly effective especially if used correctly. Metal braces, ceramic braces, invisible braces, invisalign braces, all these are popular types of braces.

However, in this article, we’ll discuss a common type of braces called lingual braces, or incognito braces.

What are lingual braces?

Lingual braces are made using clear materials, and are inserted on the inner side of the teeth. They are ideal for people who don’t want much attention focused on them; they are hard to notice

Roles of the lingual orthodontic braces orthodontist;

  1. Often, the private orthodontist will first start by examining your teeth, so as to get a clear idea of what needs to be done.
  2. Secondly, the lingual braces have to be prepared in a dental laboratory, and customized to your exact size and dental formula. The orthodontist will use a computer to help design braces that will perfectly fit.
  3. Once the lingual braces orthodontist has processed the braces, a process that takes up to 6 weeks, they will then insert them gently at the back of your teeth. This is usually a delicate process and the orthodontist must be highly qualified in order to do the job right.
  4. Once the braces have been inserted, the patient will still need regular checkups and visits to the orthodontist. This is to ensure that the teeth are growing as desired, and that there are no complications cropping up.
  5. In times of emergencies, for instance with bleeding or swollen gums, the lingual braces orthodontist will be on standby to help loosen the bands and wires, or do what it takes to remedy the situation.
  6. The orthodontist will also offer professional advice and tips on how to take care of the braces; from how to correctly brush the braces, to foods that are to be avoided.


Lingual orthodontic braces orthodontists indeed have a vital role in ensuring that the patient gets the lingual braces inserted correctly, and constantly checked to ensure the braces are doing their intended job. See more on The Ken Clinic

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Why Breast Reduction can be a Good Idea

Many people suffer in silence from dissatisfaction with their breast sizes. It is very demoralizing to have abnormally huge breasts. People turn in the street to point at you and everywhere you go people stare. Very many people have suffered for long in silence because they don’t know what to do. The only solution though, is getting a breast reduction procedure carried out. Although a cosmetic procedure, it has numerous benefits namely;

Read about Liposuction on Facebook

  1. Restores dignity

breast-reductionMen and women alike suffer from abnormally big breasts. It is a shameful experience to those who suffer from it and their families. This condition completely strips them of their self worth. The breast reduction procedure therefore, helps a lot to regain this lost self esteem.

  1. Increases life span

People suffering from abnormally big breast, are more likely to suffer from illnesses like benign tumors inside and cancer. Breast reduction helps to increase their life span by reducing the margin of contracting these illnesses.

  1. Reduces pain

Abnormally huge breasts can be very painful. This is because they are sensitive and therefore highly irritable. The pain could be so excruciating that wearing clothes becomes a huge problem. It is in instances such as these that breast reduction procedures turn out to be very helpful.

  1. Helps to increase attractiveness

When one has abnormally huge breasts, they look out of place and awkward. Therefore, people suffering from such an ordeal could undergo breast reduction to look better.


Breast reduction London can be a very good idea if it is being done for the right reasons. If one is in dire need of it, then it is important that it is carried out.


There may be endless talk about the ethics behind breast reduction. All that is important is the intention. For more information, log on to


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What is Removal of Braces?

Orthodontics-BracesRemoval of braces is a dental procedure carried out by orthodontists to remove teeth aligners commonly known as braces. These entrapments are usually put into place so as to help in realigning and straightening teeth.

  • Very many people undergo this procedure of brace removal. It is especially true for children and adolescents. Most of them need braces at some point and therefore need them to be removed. It is hardly rocket science. They just pullout the bracelets after they think it has allowed teeth enough time to realign themselves.
  • There are many kinds of braces that orthodontists put in people’s teeth. They are all removed expertly but differently. Not one type can be removed in the same way as the others. They are all expertly removed according to the way they were input.
  • Removal of bracelets is like a rite of passage. It is a reward for perseverance. This is because most people have to stay in braces even for as long as two years. When the date to get rid of them finally arrives, it is like a huge happening. The person celebrates great dental health as long as an end to that certain phase of their life.
  • Removal of braces is a painless procedure. Adult Orthodontist could apply the use of local anesthetics to ensure that fact. These anesthetics don’t exactly put you to sleep. They just put you in a numb state where you can feel no pain.


Although it is a good dental procedure such as Adult Orthodontics, there is some awkwardness that comes with it. After getting used to braces all the time, it feels weird not to have them anymore.


If you have any pressing questions about brace removal, please direct them to experts. You can reach the best dental consultants by logging on to their website, It is better to be safe than sorry.

See about orthodontics Braces in Facebook

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Healthy Life with the Right Vitamins

If you intend to enjoy a healthy and balanced life, then you must take in the ideal vitamins daily. For example, Vitamins B12 are excellent for your body. This is due to the fact that they help in the metabolism process. This means that you can be able to drop some weight if you take a lot of these vitamins What’s more, you will certainly lose hazardous products from your physical body. The result is a healthy and balanced as well as solid physical body. If you maintain this for long, you will lead a healthy life.

It is important to remember that you have to make it a lifestyle. This is not an exercise you should do today as well as forget it till next month! You have to learn to do it each day. If you do this, you will certainly be increasing your metabolism rate daily. This indicates that the results will certainly be sustained.

Where to get essential vitamins.
Foods– the foods you eat contain vitamins. For instance, fruits and vegetables contain several vitamins. You should recognize foods which contain various vitamins as well as consume them. In order to make points even much better, you have to make it a behavior of eating vegetables and fruits daily.

Supplements– there are vitamins that are not effortlessly offered. What’s more, you will be needed to eat huge parts of foods in order to accomplish your daily objectives. If this holds true, you might deal with to supplements. Supplements excel as they supply instant vitamins to your physical body each day. Merely identify the ideal supplements as well as begin taking them.

Vitamins are crucial to your physical body. You need to make a behavior of taking them so in order to lead a healthy life. You can obtain vitamins in foods and supplements for your day-to-day intake.

Intake of vitamins is one means of maintaining your body healthy.